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Discover EU Law in Force

EU Law in Force is a new website offering quick and easy access to currently applicable European Union law and especially aimed at non-experts. It was launched in July 2022 and is accessible via the portal of the Publications Office of the European Union.

EU Law in Force complements EUR-Lex, the reference website and largest resource on EU law. It provides simple and direct access to the latest consolidated version of an act – the version that presents what is currently in force, integrating all changes (amendments and corrections) made over time into a single document. For non-experts it would be otherwise difficult to get this overview in one click.

EU Law in Force also provides other elements that constitute EU law: international agreements, EU treaties and case-law from the Court of Justice of the European Union. Finally, it gives a prominent place to the Summaries of EU Legislation: simple explanations of main EU legal acts that help readers better understand the legal texts they consult.

The public’s response to EU Law in Force will also help us devise a specific interface of EUR-Lex for non-experts.

So please try EU Law in Force and help us to improve it by giving your feedback directly through the website.

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ISSN: 2811-7638